Guitar tablature for "The Safety Of Routine" by "Name Taken"
Artist: Name Taken
Piece: The Safety Of Routine
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Changed? Yes
Reasons for change: You reactions and thinking can be impaired by phentermine, so before getting engaged into any activities that require your alertness and concentration you will need to make sure phentermine does not cause any effects in you that may prevent you from doing your everyday tasks and activities that may appear hazardous. ; mild side effects of phentermine are common and can include insomnia, constipation, feeling nervous or anxious, headache, itching, dry mouth, diarrhea, and dizziness.
Tab provided by tTabs
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You reactions and thinking can be impaired by phentermine, so before getting engaged into any activities that require your alertness and concentration you will need to make sure phentermine does not cause any effects in you that may prevent you from doing your everyday tasks and activities that may appear hazardous. ; mild side effects of phentermine are common and can include insomnia, constipation, feeling nervous or anxious, headache, itching, dry mouth, diarrhea, and dizziness.