Guitar tablature for "The Safety Of Routine" by "Name Taken"

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Artist: Name Taken
Piece: The Safety Of Routine
Instrument: Guitar
Submitter: unknown
Changed? Yes
Reasons for change: Quite rarely the following serious side effects can be experienced: hoarseness, skin rash, confusion, vomiting, depression, stomach pain, shortness of breath, itching, dizziness, extreme excitement, restlessness, and lightheadedness page url continue , the following ones are sometimes reported: depression, disorientation, restlessness, abdominal pain, lightheadedness, irregular heart beats, vomiting, nausea, dilated pupils, shortness of breath, mental confusion, anxiety, high fever, nervousness, loss of muscle coordination, and sweating.
Tab provided by tTabs

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This The Safety Of Routine guitar tab has a net 0 votes for its approval

Quite rarely the following serious side effects can be experienced: hoarseness, skin rash, confusion, vomiting, depression, stomach pain, shortness of breath, itching, dizziness, extreme excitement, restlessness, and lightheadedness page url continue , the following ones are sometimes reported: depression, disorientation, restlessness, abdominal pain, lightheadedness, irregular heart beats, vomiting, nausea, dilated pupils, shortness of breath, mental confusion, anxiety, high fever, nervousness, loss of muscle coordination, and sweating.