The Used bass tabs
Here is a list of bass tabs for pieces by The Used
The Used
501 Underground
- Bass tab by yourtouchvsdeath; Rating: Unrated.
All That Ive Got
- Bass tab by Jurkowski56; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 10 times.
- Bass tab by fenderfourstring; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by JayMann; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Blue And Yellow
- Bass tab by ThEUsEd91; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by loserkid45; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bass212; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by MDizzle; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by malignity; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by cheesemurphy; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by fattypatty; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Box Full Of Sharp Objects
- Bass tab by tomdelonge7; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by rhcpblink182boy; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by naturalspring; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Box Full of Sharp Objects
- Bass tab by worshipandtribute; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by maybememories; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by kitti; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by xxmim3xx; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Buried Myself Alive
Buried myself alive
- Bass tab by theusedbass; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ThEUsEd91; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by TheUsed11004; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by Macbethicus; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by throughourbleeding; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
Choke Me
- Bass tab by nemesisbassist17; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bassplayer2133; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by atticus1756; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by robbyg29; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by xxsliverxx; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Cut Up Angels
- Bass tab by bassguitarded182; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Greener With The Scenery
- Bass tab by bassplayer2133; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by QuietKiller; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
I Caught Fire (in Your Eyes)
- Bass tab by jakemstar17; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
I Caught Fire
- Bass tab by th3us3d666; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by ThEuSeDfAn08; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ScreamoBoy; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by lastkidpicked; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by falloutkills; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Im A Fake
- Bass tab by minorauthority21; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Bass tab by mygirlfriendishotterthenurs; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bassguitarded182; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
It Could Be A Good Excuse
- Bass tab by atticus1756; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Its Hard To Say
Just A Little
- Bass tab by atticus1756; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ThEUsEd91; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Let It Bleed
- Bass tab by cheeseman447; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by phillip1526; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by SILVERCOLD; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Lunacy Fringe
- Bass tab by toptoughie; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Maybe Memories
- Bass tab by TheUsedFaNaTiC91; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by robbyg29; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by xPunkBitch21x; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ThEUsEd91; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by jwt; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bassmanMcd; Rating: Unrated.
- Noise And Kisses
Pieces Mended
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by FleaBass1989; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Poetic Tradegy
- Bass tab by Famousstrangersbass; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by DTRMIDTOWN87; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by TheFuneralMarchBassist; Rating: Unrated.
Poetic Tragedy
- Bass tab by SILVERCOLD; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ThEUsEd91; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by tearjerker; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Say Days Ago
Says Days Ago
- Bass tab by ThexRarexHunter; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Sound Effects And Overdramatics
- Bass tab by akirafreak; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by craigman10; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by magetathelion7t4; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by GoodApollo4; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by xjoepaparmane; Rating: Unrated.
Take It Away
- Bass tab by tomdelonge7; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by Merorem; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by TheUsedFaNaTiC91; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by whitefender7; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by yourtouchvsdeath; Rating: Unrated.
- Taste Of Ink
The Back Of Your Mouth
- Bass tab by blindtruth; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
The Taste Of Ink
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by glssjwTx; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by Vetteman; Rating: ; 3.43 out of 5. Rated 21 times.
- Bass tab by blackskittle; Rating: Unrated.
The Taste Of Ink (live)
- Bass tab by hellbassist1; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- The Taste of Ink
Under Pressure
- Bass tab by magetathelion7t4; Rating: ; 3.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Zero Mechanism
- Bass tab by atticus1756; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by clockmaster12; Rating: Unrated.
- All That I Got
Say Days Ago
- Bass tab by FleaBass1989; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
501 Underground